'Gesture 7.2a' from 'The Joy of Loss'

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tech week - Day 4

Today was a fantastic day in rehearsing the performative component of the installation.

Grant Johansen (musician) and Penny Mullen (dance) brought an unfettered emotional depth to The Joy of Loss which has really brought the piece to life.  By looking within, Grant and Penny communicated the essence of loss and its transformative, cathartic power.

The performative component is 40 minutes long and upon arriving at the end point, we were physically and emotionally exhausted.  The impact of the infrasonics had us at turns feeling elated, disturbed and peaceful...completely in tune with the non-linear emotional journey that is The Joy of Loss. In working within the eight-channel surround sound installation, a sense of in-the-moment improvisational ensemble developed where moments and gestures were passed from performer to performer, reflected in the fixed audio installation(s), then re-visited in the improvised setting.

Tomorrow, we work in dress for our final rehearsal of the week.  I'm looking forward to seeing the documentation (photo and video) of today and tomorrow in the coming week.

I snapped a few shots of Grant in preparation today and have posted a few here...


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